Contact Sean

Contact us to purchase a painting or order a commission painting.


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It depends on the complexity of the image, and the size of canvas he is working on. For example, an A3 two person portrait could take up to a week; whereas a larger image could take up to three weeks to complete.

If you are looking to commission a portrait that needs to be unveiled by a particular date, please do let us know.

We offer diverse payment flexibility including PayPal, bank transfers and cash.

We offer advice on what is the best frame for the artwork. Prices start from $50, we could help sourcing for the right frames or point you to the right supplier.

Email us a high-resolution photograph so Sean could include the finest details. It can be useful to have further photographic material to give him more of an understanding of the subject’s character. The joy about turning a photograph into a portrait is that it can be done for someone as a surprise, but also if the subject is no longer with us, a portrait breathes wonderful life into a beloved photograph.

Oil paints could discolour with age if not taken care of properly For example, leaving out in the sun.

No. All paintings sold are original and exclusive for every buyer.

An original is the completed first iteration by the artist of a specific image. It’s painted only by the artist. No other assistance is used. Any reproductions (limited editions, open editions, posters, etc.) will be created from this image. We will issue a certificate of authentication for each painting.

The artist always retains the copyright to the original image, unless there is a contract or separate written agreement assigning it to the buyer. It is unusual for an artist to assign the copyright to a third party.